Deal of the day


Carburetor tuning Instructions

Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions- Goldwing Single Carburetor Conversion

This setup uses only a single throttle control cable. Decelerate control and choke will not be used

  1. Remove intake boots, control cables, fuel lines etc. and remove existing carburetor setup.
    Note: Remove carburetor assembly from left side of engine. Removal of the right front air piston cap will aid in the removal on some models.
  2. Install intake boots onto new manifold making sure that the rubber flanges are in good condition. USE REGULAR STEEL CLAMPS INSTEAD OF STOCK!
  3. Install new manifold with the intake boots back on engine. Tighten boot clamps.
  4. Install the carburetor with the throttle control on the right side ( throttle cable bracket side)
  5. Locate positive electrical source ( any wire that goes through ignition switch)
    The fuse box under the top cover is the best location

Connect 2 wires (Positive Terminal)   upper screw on right side of fuse box ( verify)
Connect 1 wire   (Negative Terminal) lower screw on right side of fuse box (verify)

One positive wire attaches to the electric choke, the other positive wire attaches to the air cut valve.

Attach the ground wire to the Carburetor body

    1. Install fuel line, throttle cable, air filter (optional)
    2. Turn ignition to the on position with the engine in cutoff position and crank the engine a few times to allow fuel into the carburetor.
    3. Re-check all connections i.e. clamps, cables, and fuel lines
    4. Start the engine and allow to idle for a few minutes.
    5. Decelerator cable should be removed to avoid cable jamming. Choke cable can be tie wrapped inside tank cover
    6. Enjoy the Ride!


VW 34 PICT3 Carburetor Preset and Tuning


3 of 4 small holes shown

Turning the carburetor upside down, you will notice 4 small holes (the forth is not exposed)
Only one hole needs to be exposed to set the circuit.


Proper setting of the fuel circuit with 1 hole exposed

Proper adjustment of butterfly with 1 hole exposed


The proper position for the choke cam for adjustment.

Use this adjusting screw to set the throttle plate by turning the adjustment screw until only the last hole is exposed as shown above.


Questions?  Comments? Call Us +370 621 06597

Installation Instructions (for composite manifold)

Installation Instructions-Yamaha Virago Single Carburetor Conversion

  1. Remove existing carburetors and separate them. (If original stock carburetor is used).
  2. Use front carburetor for this conversion (If original stock carburetor is used).
  3. Use existing/original intake boots (rubber fittings) to attach manifold to cylinders. (If original stock carburetor is used).
  4. Install original intake boots onto the manifold. (If original stock carburetor is used).
  5. Install the manifold back on the engine.
  6. (Recommended to install on the left side of the motorcycle).
  7. If original rubber fittings have cracks, is recommended to seal them with silicone gasket maker, to prevent backfire and air leakage. (If original stock carburetor is used).
  8. Tie steel clamps very well.
  9. Attach carburetor using rubber fitting included in the package.
  10. Attach throttle cable.
  11. Attach choke cable. (remove choke cable bracket from rear carburetor and re-attach to the front one.
  12. Snap-on 60mm diameter air filter is needed.
  13. Attach snap-on air filter.
  14. Double check clamps and cables.
  15. Turn ignition key on.
  16. Start the engine.
  17. Enjoy the ride.

With stock Hitachi carburetor, needle lifted 0.8mm and main jet is a 140 - 180 , pilot is 42 - 50.

Installation Instructions (for steel manifold)

Installation Instructions-Yamaha Virago Single Carburetor Conversion

1. Remove existing carburetors and separate them. (If original stock carburetor is used).
2. Use front carburetor for this conversion (If original stock carburetor is used).
3. Install the manifold on the engine.
4. Attach carburetor using one of stock rubber fittings.
5. Attach throttle cable.
6. Attach choke cable. (remove choke cable bracket from rear carburetor and re-attach to the front one).
7. Clamp-on 60mm diameter air filter is needed.
8. Attach snap-on air filter.
9. Double check clamps and cables.
10. Turn ignition key on.
11. Start the engine.
12. Enjoy the ride.

With stock Hitachi carburetor, needle lifted 0.8mm and main jet is a 140 - 180 , pilot is 42 - 50.

Performance chart

Questions?  Comments? Call Us +370 621 06597


Customers have had success using many different models and sizes of carbs with single intakes for the virago/vstar. Those carbs and jet combinations worked well on any single intake. Here some of the jetting recipes from a nationally known builder of viragos both competitively and spotlighted in motorcycle magazine articles.  


For the big bikes 920 and 1100:

harley cv carb the 40mm with accel pump.  

pilot jet 48 with main jet 170.

 jet needle HD# 27094-88

this will work well on the 750 as well if dropping the pilot jet size. 

Because of the virago starter issues the builder recommends turning the throttle twice prior to hitting the starter button to get fuel into the cyl ready for spark to save the starter system.  


For the vm 34MM mikuni round slides.  

for the 700/750 cc bikes.  so for single carb the jetting recommended is.  

pilot jet 20 with main jet 145.

needle 6DH3 center notch on the circlip.

needle jet a 159 series, P-6.

air jet leave stock in place.  not necessary to remove.  if a rich issue then remove.  


For the vm 34mm mikuni round slides. 

for the 920/1100 cc bikes.  so for single carb the jetting recommended is.

pilot jet 22.5 with main jet 195.

needle 6DH3 center notch on the circlip.

needle jet is 159 series, P-6.

air jet leave stock in place.  not necessary to remove.  if a rich issue then remove.